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1968 High Definition Dr. Connelly Springs, NC 28612
(828) 397-2467 -- Fax (828) 397-4008

Profiling Cutterheads
9200 Series
Quick-Change centrifigal gib-clamping system
Reversible knives
Constant Cutting circle ( +/- .001")
Solid aluminum alloy construction
Advanced head design
Knive protrudes .060"
Knives available in H.S.S. with 18% tungsten or Carbide
Knives change radially
Configurations from 2 knives to ?? knives
Used in hogging or finishing applications
Hydraulic clamping system available
Adds 2 or 4 dovetail slots for adjustable beveling, radius and groover inserts
Uses carbide inserts for beveling and radiusing
Quick, accurate knife change increases productivity
Lower tooling cost per board foot produced
No knife adjustment
Reduces stress on machine spindles and bearings
Maximum safety and performance
Increase stock removal
Longer knife life
Easier access for knife changing
Maximizes your production requirements
Dual function for greater versatility

1968 High Definition Dr. Connelly Springs, NC 28612
(828) 397-2467 -- Fax (828) 397-4008

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